Re-definition Of Myself
So I have been doing a little more on reading this past few weeks and one of the books that really got me excited was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho’s and one of the many profound lessons in the book was that each person must discover his or her own “personal legend”—the unique path that leads to an individual’s destiny. .read more here
Paulo says he is “100 percent convinced” every person has a personal legend, but he says he doesn’t believe every person will realize his or hers. “You are here to honor something called the miracle of life,” he says. “You can be here to fulfill your hours and days with something that is meaningless, but you know that you have a reason to be here.
How can you tell whether you’ve found your personal legend? “It is the only thing that gives you enthusiasm,” Paulo says. “And you know when you are betraying your personal legend when you are doing something without enthusiasm.”

Paulo cautions against living a life without enthusiasm, exposes the common excuses we make for ourselves and reveals what can get us all back on track to our true potential.
Here are few stated point to always remember, if possible write them down on a sticker paper and place it where you can see it often.........
· There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to fulfil which is the fear of failure or not succeeding. Always know that fear is a bigger obstacle than fear itself. Don't be scared to take that move.
· God has prepared a path for you, find your passion or what you love doing positively and follow it.
· The darkest hour of the night comes just before dawn. Enjoy your process, for its a journey to gather more experience.
· There is only one way to learn and its trough action. Take that step.
· No heart has suffer when it goes in search of its dreams.
· Another evidence that you are on the right path to your destiny is that it will cost you your comfort, at the starting point you will notice that you are doing it for free, but don't be discourage, keep moving.
· Before a dream is realized, you will be tested to see if everything you have learnt so far, the experiences gathered.
· Be unrealistic, See the world in terms of what you would like to see happen, not what actually does.
· Some of the greatest inventions would not have happened if people chose to accept the world as it is. Great achievements and innovations begin with a mindset that ignores the impossible.
· Keep getting back up and never give up- The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times. Because the eighth time could be your breakthrough.
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