Life's Reality
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Hey guys ! So i came across this write up somewhere and it says "sometimes you need to understand that some people's tenure in your life is over". First of all when I read didn't quite make sense to me, but sadly that is just the truth about life.
As you grow older in this journey of life, people would come in and go out of your life. Some temporarily and some permanently, these things
just happen in certain ways. It could be that:
1. You just got to point where you are no longer in sync with them.
2. There are not making any positive impact in your life.
3. When they die
4. When you loose contact with them.
But my major concentration today will be on number 5. When they get to a point where they no longer see the need to be friends with you.
Now this particular reason is a very crucial and serious one. Wait, have you ever been in a position where you're trying to reconnect with
someone or check up on someone and you're getting some vibes that you don't understand?? Trust me, you're not the only one who has been
The most important thing for you to understand is that unlike God, people change. People can change for a whole lot of reasons, like I am going to repeat this, a whole lot of reasons. We all get to a point where, we are all running different races in different ramifications
of life. Even at that, it's not a good enough reason to cut people out of life . But sadly, people get caught up in this 'race'.
Basically, my reasons for pointing these things out is for us to understand that some people are not always going to be your friend forever, so people are not always going to remember you. Realizing and understanding this would help you, so that you don't get to a point
where you begin to feel bad because you feel like you are forcing yourself into people's life.
Yes! Ofcourse! It was a good friendship/relationship, while it lasted. Pick the positive impact it made in your life and the good memories and move on guys ! Yes move on !
Get to a point in your life where you focus should basically be about God, building yourself, loving and appreciating the people around you. Sometimes we make the mistake of ignoring those that really care about us, im the quest for reuniting or reconnecting with people who dont feel the need to reunite or reconnect with you.
The people God has ordained to be part of your life are always going to stick around, regardless of the situation or circumstances and location. For those who do not even after you make and efffort ?
Understand when to let go !
I really hope this helps someone today.
Love, Desewa
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