The Intense Beam Light
We have to always be vigilant, never sleeping, always be on alert and always look out for opportunities. And looking out for opportunities doesn't mean you go same route as everyone. Obviously you can follow whatever route you want but you might end up in the same place as a lot of other people. If it's a good place then you will share a lot of stuff but if it's a bad place, will it be cool by you to remain there? You have to think differently from everyone.
Hidden opportunities only reveal itself when it feels it's needed. Have you ever wondered when you have decided to get a new phone or a new dress or whatever you wanted, you immediately start noticing hundreds of that make? Where they there before now? It's just that you have not noticed them but once your attention is focused like a narrow beam of intense light, it grows them into sharp focus.
All around us are opportunities to make life a better one. Just kick start.
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