The Faux Of Life

With the growing popularity of social media, these days more than ever we are called upon to show off ‘who we are’. And while things like Facebook and Instagram encourage the best of us to exaggerate our good bits while glossing over the bad(ranging from false lashes, bottom pad etc), for some of us, our inability to be authentic is more than an online issue. It is a struggle in every part of our life.

You have probably heard the term 'identity crisis' before and you probably have a fairly good idea of what it means. But where did this idea originate? Why do people experience this kind of personal crisis? Is it something confined to the teenage years?

The concept originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person's life.

While developing a sense of identity is an important part of the teenage years, Erikson did not believe that the formation and growth of identity was just confined to adolescence. Instead, identity is something that shifts and grows throughout life as people confront new challenges and tackle different experiences.

Our identity is the way we define ourselves. This includes our values, our beliefs, and our personality. It also encompasses the roles we play in our society and family, our past memories, and our hopes for the future, as well as our hobbies and interests. Most of these things can, of course, change. We can switch jobs, move to a different community, or experience life changing circumstances that challenge our beliefs.

I always ask my self WHO AM I? Like Jackie Chan did... My true identity is who I am without the labels. Who I dream to be. Who I dare to be.

Life is an exploration, and at certain points, we all surprise ourselves. But if you find that your lack of identity is causing you to feel unstable, and you suffer an ongoing sense of stress and anxiety because of it, then perhaps it’s time to ask the real you to please stand up! The good thing is that there IS a real you. We all have an inner self waiting to be discovered, and all it really takes is the decision and commitment to do so.

So who are you?


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